Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Career homework

Yes, I've been seeing somebody. Actually, two somebodies. But it's not what you think.

They're career counselors. S and J are being paid well to guide me to a career that I hope will be not only lucrative ('cause you KNOW how much I love $$$) but satisfying as well. We'll see.

In the meantime, they've given me homework. And it's harder than you'd think.

Think back throughout your entire life (including the days when you were too young to think about a paycheck) and try to remember all of your achievements. It doesn't matter if it was something that seems trivial now. It was a success to you. A gold star next to your name.

Whether it was organizing babysitting jobs for you and your friends or being named vice president of marketing or trimming $5,000 off the company's office supply budget.

Try to remember as many as you can...in detail. Write up each of them in about 100 words.

Next, take each individual achievement and list all the skills that were necessary to reach that goal. Maybe you are good at asking questions or you make people feel comfortable talking to you. Also on that page, list the qualities that you exhibited in achieving it (yes, I thought the first two seem to be the same thing, but whatever) and a third list of the people who supported you in that success.

By now, you are probably knee-deep in paper. If you are, you are farther along than I am.

I'll keep you posted. And yes, this stuff is coming with me to Florida. I'll try not to spill a pina colada on it!

Please define 'in'

Remember a week or two ago, when I asked TSG if he wanted to stay in contact with me (since we hadn't seen each other since August) and he said that he wants in?

I guess I should have defined 'in' like INterested or INvolved because I haven't heard a word from him since then.

But you know what? I'm not going to stress over it because I really don't have the time. I leave for Florida on Saturday morning and I've got to pack!

Cross your fingers for fun and sun!