You would think that an unemployed person would have TONS of time to spare. But I've been incredibly busy!
I think this is the universe coming around to bite me in the ass after I had the aforementioned thought about another friend who is unemployed but 'didn't have the time' to attend a potentially helpful networking event.Okay, it's not EXACTLY the same. Many of my activities are very soul-fulfilling, if not filling for my wallet. I've been involved in a number of research studies (okay, they do pay...and pretty well considering the time involved).
I've had 2 fMRIs in the past month and earned about $200 for them. A fMRI is a medical test that is similar to an X-ray except they don't use any radiation and they do use sound waves and magnets (so it's not dangerous).
Along with the fMRIs were a bunch of cognitive exams. Let's try one like the ones I did.
Read this list of words:
Okay, now close your eyes and try to repeat as many of those words as you can.
No peeking!Not so easy, is it? This was one of MANY cognitive exams I had to do. The tests were part of a study working with schizophrenic patients (but I was part of the control group). Interesting, huh?
I'm also involved with another group that studies the affects of pasta on women's diets and hormonal levels. Since I eat pasta at least 2-3 times per month, I could definitely get on-board with this study. And they pay to feed you!!!
Oh, I'm also the volunteer coordinator for a charity that I've been helping the last few years. We have a HUGE fundraiser coming up in July and I need to build an army of volunteers to make sure that everything runs well.
So far, I only have about 25 people (and I need about 70). Wish me luck!