Sunday, October 23, 2005

It's a cultural thing

Remember the Romanian martial arts teacher and former exotic dancer??? Well, there's good news and bad news on that topic. The good news is that he called me on Saturday afternoon as I sat at Starbucks, sipping a chai tea and absorbing my baseball encyclopedia.

The conversation started awkwardly with him apologizing for bothering me, for taking up so much of my time on a weekend. (He wasn't bothering me.)

He also said he hoped it was okay that he called me. Um....why did he think I gave him my number if it wouldn't be okay for him to call me??? And how were we going to make the dinner plans (as he suggested) if he didn't actually call me?!?

This guy's got FLOOR MAT written all over him. Not a good sign. When will men realize that a lack of self-confidence is such a deal-breaker?

But the piece de resistance came today when I spoke to the Mexican ladies who introduced us at their party. They were busy at the party, but did notice that we seemed to be having a nice conversation. (I never told them about the date potential.)

In our conversation this morning, one of the ladies mentioned that martial arts teacher has a son who's about 6 months old. So I casually asked if his wife is Romanian too. No, apparently, she's Bulgarian or Hungarian or something like that.

Oh, did I mention that he never SAID ANYTHING ABOUT BEING MARRIED OR HAVING A CHILD!!!?!?!?

It sure would be easier if they just put "TAKEN" in a huge tattoo on their forehead!!

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