Thursday, November 03, 2005

Paint job

PERTH- - Take a large paint brush, dip it in fuscia paint and do the following: paint a wide downward-pointing triangle on your chest, then stripe down the left arm beginning at a point even with your armpit, including your left hand, add to that a skinny stripe beginning four inches below your right knee and ending just above your toes; lastly, take a bit deeper-colored paint and touch just the tip of your nose.

Now you have my "tan" after my lengthy chat with Carlos in the park.


Maple said...

Ouch! Does that mean you forgot the sunscreen or just didn't apply it very well? Sounds like you're having a great time and I wish I was there to enjoy it with you!!!

Paul the Limey said...

I thought you were way too traveled and experienced to fall for the comedy sunburn routine!

Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself,