Thursday, April 06, 2006

La Vie en Rose

The universe has been sending me signals today. Does that ever happen to you?
Allow me to explain:

A few months ago, the movie "French Kiss" was on cable (and I watched it) for the umpteenth time. It's got wonderful scenes of France and several songs in French (listen here), including actor Kevin Kline singing "La Mer (The Sea)" in French! Okay, he won't win any Grammy awards. Who knew he could sing, let alone in French?!

After watching the movie, I decided that I absolutely HAD to have the soundtrack. On the hunt over the next few weeks, I swept into every music store I passed (including one in NY with Firecracker), but no luck.

DUH! I got online at and found it, but the brain surgeons at Amazon found a way to screw up my credit card purchase several times over the course of a week or two, so I cancelled the order.

Not to be daunted, I logged into and found the soundtrack and instantly ordered it. And then the waiting game...

Yesterday, the CD arrived, but I was too busy at home to listen to it. I brought it to work and decided that we would have French music at my German office. (I've practically memorized it by now, but no, I can't sing along...yet.)

On the way to the office this morning, I grabbed my latest travel magazine and the cover story was on Provence (in the south of France). Descriptions of the beach at St. Tropez, the magnificent cheeses and the gorgeous scenery inspired me to daydream about my annual birthday trip.

For some reason, I was trying to think of the French word for "please." After four years of high school French and one year in college, I was coming up blank. This was going to bug me!

When I got to work, I discovered (or remembered actually) that one of my coworkers is on vacation in Paris at this very moment!

I logged in and found a French-English dictionary online. Of course, the moment I called up the website, I remembered what I forgot.

Can someone tell me, s'il vous plait, how the weather is in the City of Lights in November??


Paul the Limey said...

November in Paris is a bit like November in London... Cold and windy - but generally with more French people!

Caterpillar said...

OMG, I'm so jealous and you're making me relive my time Paris and all my studying up of everything French. And I must have seen that movie about 300 times and I never ever get sick of it! I downloaded the soundtrack a long time ago - I would have just copied it for you if I'd have known!!!!

NewYorkMoments said...

Hi--thanks for the link.

November in Paris is sort of damp and rainyish. But, let's face it, no matter what the weather, it's always breathtaking.

But you could always wait a bit and go in December to see the fabulous decorations. The Champs Elysees lined with lights is uncomparable.