Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The Cubs game starts in 6 hours and I have heard NOTHING from FA regarding our plan to attend the game together. Am I upset?

Actually, no. For two reasons:
1) since FA lives in Florida, had a number of little-boy-in-grown-man's-body issues, and wasn't all that cute anyway, the boyfriend possibility was minimal, and
2) not one, but TWO guys offered to leave me a free ticket if I want to come to tonight's game!

Okay, don't get too excited about #2 because one of them is a Cubs security guy (married) and the other one is an announcer for the Washington Nationals (not sure on the married thing, but he's considerably older than me).

A little background...Firecracker, FC2, Golden Girl and I attended last night's game and had a little early celebration for FC2's birthday. After the Cubs won (yay!! it's about time!!), all of us except Firecracker went over to one of the local watering holes.

When we arrived, I ran into a sportswriter friend of mine that covers the Cubs. We chatted for a bit and then he disappeared into the crowd. About 20 minutes later, I got the feeling that I should go and find him again. When I did, he was talking to the Announcer and was kind enough to introduce me.

Announcer offered to leave me a ticket for tonight's game and in doing so, gave me his cell phone number and told me where he's staying and his room number. Oh, did I mention that he used to be a professional baseball player?

Yep, it was an interesting evening. Wonder what tonight will bring?

1 comment:

Violet said...

Soooo....did FA show?