Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gotta love Australia because...

SYDNEY - - I was going to title this post "you know you're in Australia when..." but it's more than just identifying features of the country. It's just stuff that's downright fabulous (sometimes in a bent kinda way, but whatever!)

  • To prevent from getting flattened by a bus or taxi, there are Look Right> and
  • In an effort to conserve water, you have a choice of full or half-flush, depending on the activity within.
  • The Aussies (at least near Sydney) have a store that sells alcohol that's called The Lick Her Shop. Gotta love it!
  • In Port Douglas, the garbage trucks are handled by just one man - the driver. That's because the truck is equipped with a giant mechanical arm that picks up the cans, empties them upside-down into the top of the truck and replaces them on the street. Fabulous!
  • To keep the little ones happy, Melbourne has a postal drop box for "the big guy." No, I don't mean God. I mean Santa Claus. The box reads "Santa's mail only."
Don't you wish you were here, too?

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