Friday, November 03, 2006

Things to do before I leave this place (in no particular order)

1. See all of the world's continents at least once.
2. Speak at least one other language fluently.
3. Write a novel and have it published.
4. Learn to express myself in music (either playing or singing).
5. Fall in love with someone who loves me.
6. Learn how to tune up my car and do an oil change.
7. Find a satisfying, challenging and lucrative career.
8. Live, at least for a while, in another country (not just visit).
9. Learn to golf reasonable well.
10. Fly first class.
11. Live in a house with a garden and a huge wrap-around porch.
12. Have shoes made for me by hand.
13. Do something worthy of a newspaper headline (and obits don't count.)
14. Be present when the Cubs win the World Series (although I may have to settle for the pennant.)
15. Spend a weekend at a beach house.

In the meantime, boys and girls, I'm off to spend yet another birthday in Australia. How cool is that?
Next stop...Sydney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm shooting for #11 myself.