Friday, June 23, 2006


I'm sitting here at my desk with my mouth hanging open and staring at one of the TVs in our lobby.

The reason for my shock?

A manager for the Sears Tower (my office location) has just said that the Sears Tower is no more a target than any other building in the city or the country.

Um, what?!?!?!

So, why did the FBI just arrest a bunch of hoodlums in Miami who were trying to concoct a plan to blow up my place of business??

Let me guess...These goofballs held a meeting in their Florida warehouse where they randomly pulled out a map of the US, closed their eyes, spun around a few times and blindly pointed to the Sears Tower?!?!?

Kind of a terrorist pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.

CNN just featured some high-level flunkee from the Sears Tower management office who stated that our security is the "best in the business." (You'd think he was running for office!)

This crack security team is the same group of folks who recently trashed a local restaurant's food cart when they tried to make a delivery in the building but doesn't bat an eye when my outsdoorsy colleagues carry in several highly flammable cooktops for camping.

I carry a backpack and a purse to work every morning. I usually place the backpack on the conveyor belt so that the security guard can scan it (if he's looking at the screen and not chatting with a coworker). THEY DON'T SCAN MY PURSE....EVER!

Yep, just gives you that warm and cozy feeling of safety, don't it???

Monday, June 19, 2006

Crumbs to a starving person

"I'm glad you handled everything."

I had to hold onto the corner of a desk to keep from falling down when one of our bosses said this to me today, the first day of a local conference at which my company exhibits. This guy has been here for over two years, but is just NOW learning some of the many reasons that I am a valuable employee (any why our new CEO is thrilled that I still work here after eight years).

The Exhibitors' Handbook instructed participants to send all of their conference materials to a conference services company, located about an hour away in the far northwest suburbs.

Our company, however, is located about a mile from the conference site, a veritable hop, skip and a jump away.

I dutifully ignored the silly, unnecessarily expensive shipping instructions and sent our materials directly the show site via a local messenger service.

Why was this a stroke of genius?

1) shipping costs will be approximately one-third to one-quarter of those from the conference services company, and
2) our materials arrived on site in one complete shipment unlike one of our competitor's materials, which were somehow shipped to Milwaukee!!!

Music to my ears!