Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New baseball on the horizon

The envelope arrived and I was sooo excited to open it. On a whim, I ordered tickets for an August baseball series between my Chicago Cubs and the Colorado Rockies...not down the street at Wrigley Field, but in Denver! I got airfare at a decent price and found a GREAT price at a very nice hotel in "LoDo" (which is what they call downtown Denver).
Never been to Denver, much less to Coors Field, but I hear they're both pretty nice. The upcoming trip made me think of all the ballparks I've been to...

  • New York Yankees - (old) Yankee Stadium (not nearly as big as its reputation and its history)
  • New York Mets - (old) Shea Stadium
  • Boston Red Sox - Fenway Park (a dump that makes Wrigley look like new construction even though Fenway as built in 1912 and Wrigley Field in 1914).
  • Baltimore Orioles - Camden Yards (great ballpark that could've been the home of the Chicago White Sox if the cheap-bastard owner would've paid the architects what they deserved!)
  • Atlanta Braves - (old) Fulton County Stadium (okay, it was for the Olympic baseball games in 1996, does that count?)
  • Pittsburgh Pirates - PNC Park (supposedly one of the nicest of the new ballparks, but a Pittsburgh native told me it's the same as Cincinnati's park, just different colored bricks)
  • Cincinnati Reds - Great American Ballpark (nice old-fashioned new ballpark right on the riverfront)
  • Toronto Blue Jays - The Rogers Centre, formerly the Sky Dome (Strange place that was sooo state-of-the-art way back in 1989!)
  • Washington Nationals - (old) RFK Stadium (shitty football stadium that played a poor host to a newly reborn baseball team)
  • Washington Nationals - (new) Nationals Park (where Cubs centerfielder Reed "Gumby" Johnson made an AMAZING diving catch last year!)
  • Florida Marlins - Pro Player Stadium (another shitty football stadium that begrudgingly hosted baseball...and didn't look happy about it)
  • St.Louis Cardinals - (old) Busch Stadium
  • St. Louis Cardinals (new) Busch Stadium (actually not a bad place to watch baseball; has a cool cut-out centerfield where the Arch is front and center; upper deck railing is only about 2 1/2 feet high...someone's gonna take a dive off that, you just watch!)
  • Chicago Cubs - Wrigley Field (best place to watch baseball...EVER!)
  • Chicago White Sox - (old) Comiskey Park (had a working shower in the centerfield bleachers!)
  • Chicago White Sox (new) U.S. Cellular Field (nicknamed The Cell, probably because so many people end up in jail during the ballgames there...kicked out for fighting.)
  • Milwaukee Brewers - (old) County Stadium (practically CREATED the sporting tradition of the pre-game tailgate party)
  • Milwaukee Brewers - (new) Miller Park (nice park, but you can stand on the concourse and not even hear the action on the field...weird!)
And NONE of those places were as cold as Wrigley Field was yesterday as I sat with a friend and watched my boys shutout the Rockies, 4-0, to open the 2009 home season in Chicago. Yay Cubs!!! Gametime temperature was 39 degrees F with a cold mist blowing in on an easterly wind that notched 25 miles per hour.