Monday, June 21, 2010

Snack attack for the curious cook

The other night, I was planning to go to one of the gloriously FREE outdoor movies that the Chicago Park District sponsors when I realized that a portable snack would definitely be in order.
Just so you know, the movies aren't the 50-year-old 'classics' (although that would be great, too). My cinematic freebie was "The Blind Side." Nice flick.
A snack is normally an option, take-it-or-leave-it, but not for me.
Since I started working out 5 days a week, I'm hungry ALL THE TIME.
Popcorn is the natural choice for movie-watching, right? I decided to go 'old school' and make popcorn the way my dad used to, in a huge pot with a bit of oil. But I just couldn't leave well enough alone and just butter and salt it, could I? Nooooo.
One batch was the sweet one with melted butter mixed with cinnamon/sugar.
The second batch was a challenge because I wanted something savory (yes, I watch the Food Network! shut it!) I had planned to make a garlic and parmesan cheese popcorn, but I didn't have enough cheese (question: is there ever enough cheese?)
Spinning my spice/herb lazy susan, I came across 'Mesquite Bar-B-Q Spice.'
There will be more outdoor movies to enjoy, so I'm asking if anyone has any other popcorn-flavoring ideas?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rod the Mod(el citizen)

My 83-year-old mother is a fan of Rod Stewart.
Yes, THAT Rod Stewart!
No, she doesn't hum 'Do Ya Think I'm Sexy' while baking oatmeal cookies, but she was very excited when I presented her with a copy of Rod Stewart's CD 'Songbook' (part two, I think). She was almost as thrilled recently when she opened my Mother's Day gift to her (two expensive hotel-quality king-size pillows)...I hope there's no connection.
Let me explain.
Apparently, Rod Stewart has long been a fan of 'the classics.' I don't mean Beatles music or any tunes from the 1960s or even the 1950s.
Try the '40s.
Yep, he of the blond spiky hair and gravelly voice used to sing the old music as a warm-up before taking the stage to perform his sex-fueled anthems.
Cole Porter. George Gershwin. Hoagy Carmichael.
The Songbook collection is actually four CDs. I have I and II and my mother has I and IV. When she found out that I had one of the CDs that is absent from her collection, she actually whined a bit. So, being the good daughter I am, I had to get the missing two.
Did I mention that my mother is 83?!

The Cup - World, not Stanley

Did I mention that I used to be a sportswriter? Okay, take that background and add a very rules-oriented personality and you might understand why I am more than a little perplexed at the situation that arose in the World Cup match between the U.S. and Slovenia.
Rules are rules, right? And they're written down in a book somewhere. And the umpires, referees, judges, or whatever they're called, know the rules and can quote line and verse. The people charged with enforcing these rules have to know every single one of them explicitly. They must know when to blow the whistle and when not to.
Then can SOMEONE please explain how a goal can be disallowed by one soccer official and yet no one in the stadium knows what the infraction is...and the official is not asked to explain the call?!
Who is this official? All I know about him is this was the first World Cup match he's been called upon to officiate.
How do we know he's just not a dainty, delicate little fellow who's angry that some U.S. player, oh, I don't know, maybe farted near him and didn't say 'excuse me.'???
If anyone out there has the inside scoop on this, please let me know. Meanwhile, I'll just sit here and fume...