Wednesday, March 14, 2007

26 Days!

...till my boys are back in town! That's right, the Cubs' home opener is just 26 days away! Of course, Firecracker and I are getting a jump on the season (actually, two jumps, if you count spring training) because we're road-tripping up to Milwaukee to see our boys trounce the Brewers the weekend before the home opener.

Anyway, enjoy some photos of our trip to Arizona. (Please excuse the blurriness of the Kerry Wood photo. 1) using the telephoto zoom diminishes the image stabilization feature, and 2) well, um, did you see the picture?! What a hottie!!)

Oh, before I forget! Does anyone have a subscription to Vineline, the Cubs newsletter? If so, look for us in the April issue in the picture that accompanies the article about the Cubs' plethora of media exposure. We're celebrities!!!

Take a seat (cushion)

I should've known it when I pulled the souvenir Super Bowl seat cushion out of its hiding place near my desk. I haven't used it since the week I returned and only brought it from home to torture the sports freaks in my office.

The dead have arisen.

At 7:45 last night, while I was about to doze off in front of my tv, my cell phone chirped to announce a text message. It's a new cell phone, so I thought maybe the weird sound was the tv.

It wasn't.

"Your silence is deafening," wrote Super Bowl guy.

Just a reminder, boys and girls: last I heard from him, he was skiiing in Aspen on Valentine's Day with whomever.

I replied, "Me?! Where u been?" (since I'm all over this short-code texting shit.)

"Meet me at PJ Clark's at 8:45."

My thoughts at that moment: that little a-hole is not only in town, but already at a bar and just expects me to drop everything and haul my fanny to him! For all I know, he could've been in town for a few days already and just now ran out of other entertainment!

Prior to the Super Bowl, the two of us could've starred in a commercial for communication in the 21st century: text messages, email, cell phone calls.

Since then?

Except for one text message, nada.

My answer? "Sorry, no time. Washing my hair."

A girl's gotta have her priorities, ya know!