Wednesday, August 03, 2005

summer cold

So this is what it feels like to drop acid...hmm. Not bad, kinda calming actually.
I have a summer cold and a while ago I popped some Walgreens brand, multi-colored pills that are supposed to dry up the Niagara Falls that is my nasal cavity. Guess I should've waited until after lunch but too late now!!
Think anyone would notice if I put my head down on my desk and napped for say, 2 or 3 hours?? Maybe if I didn't snore...

Doped up on cold medicine, I stumbled out of the office for a late lunch. Tomorrow's storm is causing today's gale-force winds outside my building and that, combined with my blurred consciousness, has caused me to stroll a la drunken sailor. I've decided to follow the seam in the middle of the sidewalk to minimize crashes.
By the time I emerged from my single-minded concentration, I was about 4 blocks away from my office, standing in front of a Subway sandwich shop. That'll do, since I was one step from "eat roadkill" starvation.
At least I wasn't in such an altered state that I forgot to flirt with a cute legal-type at Subway. At least, I THINK he was cute...
and I THINK it was a guy.

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