Friday, March 24, 2006

Friend of a friend of a friend

In keeping with a tradition begun in college, I started my weekend last night with a "girls night out." Actually, it was a bit more organized than just a few chicks- - try more than 20!! Congrats, by the way, to Violet and Firecracker for putting together such a wonderful gathering.

Ladies (and guys, for that matter): do all of your friends know each other??

Each of us has friends from different segments of our life, from our workplace or our school or our hobbies. Their only common thread is us.

Or is it??

Among the women I met were: a media relations executive who's dating a CNN reporter; a colleague of an ex-boyfriend of mine; a young woman who wants to get a beach volleyball team together with me.

So much in common and yet, so much more to share!

I hope we do more of these.

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In other news...

Lion King is joining me and my gang for a singles mixer tonight! He said he's looking forward to "hanging out with me and my posse."

He emailed me earlier this week and asked what I do for a living. Said it was "marketing information" because he's going to be my wingman. I told him that men don't really care WHAT a woman does for a living unless she's a stripper or a porn star!

On the remodeling front, I've decided on Brazilian Koa (also called tiger wood - - no kidding!) for my floor. Unfortunately, it does not come as a floating floor so basically we're talking about a bunch more time, labor and, of course! $$$

Oh, and for those that read the last post regarding my mother's artistic talent, yes, I did buy a watercolor painting kit to give her for Easter (all together now - - awww!)

1 comment:

Paul the Limey said...

The tigerwood looks fab....