Saturday, October 30, 2010

Television karma

The hostess of this fashion-themed TV show was telling her new client that ideally, she should be able to pick three things out of her closet and just KNOW that they will go together.
"Just like Garanimals," I thought to myself, remembering not only the child-geared clothing line that matches separates by their animal tags, (Lion-tagged tops match lion-tagged bottoms, etc.) but a dearly departed friend of mine who used to joke that he used Garanimals to pick out his clothing (in his adult years).
As the show went to commercial, I walked to my kitchen for a snack, still thinking of my pal, Bob, who died much too young in a car accident.
Bright colors and bouncy music brought my attention back to the TV screen...just in time to see a commercial for (wait for it)...


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