Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Turkey Day - - not!

SYDNEY - - Saturday in Sydney for me is Retail Therapy Day and I've decided that I deserve it after a phone call from my mother this morning.

Every year, I schedule my birthday trip's end to coincide with Thanksgiving, that great American eating festival. Not a huge holiday, but one that my family traditionally shares at my mother's home and one that each and every member of my Chicago-area family would torture me for missing.

One of my brothers has been ill and will be having surgery the day before Thanksgiving. My mother even tried to convince me to change my flight so I could be home early (did I mention that he is the Golden Child in our very large family??). Anyway, since I had booked my flights a few months ago and the surgery was only set a few weeks ago, I had timing on my side. Also, he'll won't even awake from the surgery until I'm on the ground in Chicago, so I've got that going for me too.

Needless to say, I didn't change my schedule.

But my mother changed hers.

She called this morning to tell me that she's having Thanksgiving this Sunday! While I'm still in Australia!

Wonder if they'll save me any turkey?


Maple said...

That sucks! I wouldn't count on any leftovers but at least you won't have to worry about bringing the cheese ball this year! :) If you're looking for something to do, you can always come up north and visit me on your long weekend.

Miss ya!

Paul the Limey said...

Or call in on the Limeys - we'll have you anytime.