Friday, December 17, 2010

To call back or not to call back?

So I get a call from a male friend (WE'RE JUST FRIENDS, so everyone calm down). He's back in town from a trip to somewhere lovely and warm and wants me to come out for a drink (and to listen to him gloat and show off his tan).
I'm not doing anything interesting at home, so I go. Turns out, he's invited several friends (most of whom I've never met). I'm cool with that since I enjoy meeting new people.
Within an hour of my arrival, there are four or five of us around the table and I'm the only female. Again, not a problem for me. In fact, my friend received a text from somewhere else in the bar asking 'who's the blonde?'
My friend waves his cell phone at me and tells me that I got promoted.
The group of us start having several conversations at once. I'm from a large family, so this is a pretty common situation. The guy I'm talking to happens to be a Chicago cop. Since I've been a magnet for parking tickets this year, I figure I'll make friends. You never know, right?
I decided almost immediately that was a bad idea and I'll let you guys decide if I was right with my intuition.
The cop and I trade cell phone numbers ('in case I ever get in trouble and need to get things straightened out,' he says).
The group breaks up around 11:30 and I go home and go to bed (I'm not all that interesting, did I mention that?)
The following day I check my cell phone and I got a text from the cop.
"R U still out?"
It was 2:30 am!
I received another text later that 1:30 am.

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