Friday, August 26, 2005

Blast from the past

Cubman and I dated for 7 months in 2002. or was it 2001? (You'd think I'd remember this stuff with the scarcity of boyfriends in my life). We met at a Cubs game and the "relationship" got to the point where his friends thought we were getting engaged. Yeah, right! About two weeks after one of his friends voiced that opinion, we broke up (not because of that, not directly anyway).

I won't deny that the break-up (I guess you'd call it mutual, even though I was the one who made the final break) left me pretty disillusioned with men as a species. After getting over the hurt, I realized that Cubman wasn't a bad guy per se, just a person who made poor decisions.

It was difficult to see him at Cubs games, since I continued to go to games, but usually alone. Fortunately, there was always the game itself to distract me from our conversations. And then he wasn't there anymore...

Until a few weeks ago.

He came down from his usual spot, found me in my usual area and interrupted a conversation I was having with a baseball scout. He kept saying how great I looked (honestly, I don't think I've changed much) and said he just got a new job and he's going out of town for training. Turns out, he was unemployed for more than a year!

Since then, he's included me in a group email of Cubs-related spam. I didn't realize that my email address had stayed the same.

There is a special event this weekend during the Cubs' home series and Cubman might be there. Hmmn....

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