Friday, August 19, 2005

Things I've been asked to bring from Chicago

Occasionally, my friends in other parts of the country (and world) ask me to bring them souvenirs from sweet home Chicago.
Do they want a Cubs jersey? NO!
Do they want a picture of the Chicago skyline? NO!
Do they want Oprah Winfrey's autograph? NO!

Here's what they want:

- -To Vienna: teriyaki beef jerky and Dr. Pepper soda
- -To London: strawberry Twizzlers, Mike and Ike candy (didn't know there were three flavors, only brought two...failed my mission) and ibuprofen (okay, not technically a Chicago item, but apparently quite pricey in the UK). They didn't ask for, but I added a bag of Tootsie Rolls because they (and all Ferrara Pan items) are SO Chicago!
- -To Washington, DC: Garrett's caramel/cheese popcorn mix and six double White Castle burgers (2 each of jalapeno cheese, french onion cheese and bacon cheese) plus one order of onion rings ('cause they rock!)

So far, no problems with US Customs. But maybe it's the Food and Drug Administration I should worry about?
Anyway, I'm always happy to spread Windy City joy!


Anonymous said...

Speaking as the Limey that received the Mike & Ikes, Twizzlers, Tootsie Rolls and Ibuprofin I am still very grateful.

Chicago is still full of wonderful memories for me, but memories can be satisfied with pictures, phone calls and videos...

But Mike & Ikes I can't find anywhere....

By the way has anyone told The Write just how loved she is in our house ?

Anonymous said...

P.S. The Cub's cheerleader outfit is still regularly worn by Mini Limey

Paul the Limey said...
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Paul the Limey said...

Does that mean I could have had a cubs jersey as well ?