Friday, June 09, 2006


It seems as though my social dance card is once again empty...or at least the pickings are VERY slim. Let's review:

The Announcer
After meeting him at a Cubs game several weeks ago and receiving an invitation to meet him in Milwaukee soon after, I never heard from him again. However, I had already purchased tickets to the Cubs/Nationals game in DC in July, so I'm weighing my options on whether or not to call him before I arrive in DC.

Status: Acquaintances, if that.

The Editor
Having met him for dinner, drinks and an unexpected goodnight kiss, I wasn't particularly surprised to find that he was looking for a date for an upcoming wedding. I have no interest in him as a friend much less as a potential date, so I politely declined the invitation.

Status: Dead in the water as far as I'm concerned.

Dancing Lawyer
He's been out of town the past few weekends, but he's managed to keep in touch via cell phone even when I was in St. Louis. If I could surgically remove several wonderful features of the Dancing Lawyer (good job, attentiveness, good manners) and insert them into an older, more sophisticated, more attractive, more wordly man - what a catch that would be!!!

Status: Terminal.

Flight Attendant
Quite possibly the worst would-be boyfriend (even if he didn't live out of town). Invited me to a Cubs game waaaayy in advance and then didn't contact me AT ALL until one hour (!) before said game! Uh, yeah, right! Since then, he's texted me a few times when he watching a Cubs game and he thinks I might be too. Too much work on my part for too little return. And he's not that cute.

Status: Not worth more than an occasional text, if that! DOA.

In light of this, I've decided to jump into summer with both feet and be EVERYWHERE! (Okay, even if Mother Nature isn't quite cooperating with her crappy 60s and 70s-ish weather!!!). So far, the activities include:
- a graduate school grad party tonight with FC2
- a day of volunteer service tomorrow (also with FC2) that should include painting and or planting stuff.
- bleacher seats for a Cubs night game on Wednesday.
- corporate outing at Arlington Park Racecourse in a few weeks.
- bar-b-q at Violet's place next week.
- volunteer bartending job for one night at a HUGE street festival in July.
- beach volleyball on Wednesday nights.

With all of that people-meeting, I hope my dance card won't be empty for long! Anybody wanna join me??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I PLEASE borrow some of your fun for the summer?!! No wait, I'll just take some of that energy, MJ... Geez, girl! Don't hurt'em out there ;)